Photographers capture two mimes in 1974-only realizes 35 years later that one of them was Robin William

With apologies to those of you who are feeling inundated by the overwhelming online outpouring over Robin Williams’ death…

It’s tough to be a young photographer, trying to make a big name for yourself with no budget to travel or equip a studio. What many young photogs in the 70’s did, at least in New York City, was to head out to the street, particularly Central Park, to capture the free flow of humanity that populates Gotham. He happened upon two mimes who were delighted to mug for the camera, fairly putting on a show just for the roll of film inside of the Pentax Spotmatic carried by  photographer Daniel Sorine. It was only 35 years later in 2009 that Sorine was reviewing those early images from his career that he realized who he had captured: Robin Williams. Check out his work here on Petapixel.

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