
Tom Hammer

This blog is the produce of Tom Hammer, inveterate technologist, photographer, and fencer. Also, a proud husband and father in the Silicon Valley of California (yeah, I’m one of those ugly A-MUHR-icans). I’m solely responsible for the nonsense you see posted here so blame no one but me.

I’ve posted/blogged/scribbled on the web for about two decades now, having worked on many of the tools popular used to do so along the way. But, as often happens, the business of my real life intruded on my digital life and things waned a bit on my website for the past five years. I make no apologies for this  – living life in the real world is far more important to me than leaving a digital footprint. Still, friends and family like to see what’s going on. As wonderful as social media is for sharing the stuff from your life, it is both very public and ultimately controlled by others. So, I’ve restarted things, using some new tools, crafting a new look, throwing out all the old and starting fresh (if you miss something that used to be here, let me know and I’ll see what I can do about providing it to you).

I’m a native of Southern California, where my family’s been hanging out for several generations now. I migrated to the northern part of the state for college and, despite tours to other parts of the globe for grad school and work, have pretty much camped in the Bay Area ever since. I am fortunate to have married my best friend and we have two amazing kids who keep us both laughing and engaged with things beyond our own selfish interests.  I love reading and music, love creating in the kitchen, with my camera and with wood. I’ve taken up fencing (foil – my teenage son competes in World Cup events… yeah, can totally kick his old man’s ass) which I love, and enjoying nothing more than laughing with my dear wife who is the most amazing person I know.